Referral Agencies

If you are in crisis then a referral agency will be able to issue a voucher, a list of these can be found below. They will ask you a number of questions and they may already be working with you and your family so will understand your circumstances.

Acacias Community Primary School

Barlow RC High School

Biglife Enterprises

Burnage Academy for Boys

Burnage Good Neighbours

Burnage Health Centre

Burnage Sure Start

Central Early Help Hub

Christ Church South Manchester

Contour Homes

Cringle Brook Primary

DWP Didsbury Job Centre

George House Trust

Greenend Primary School

Home Start South

Housing Connect

Housing Connect
Services South

Kingsway Medical Practice

Ladybarn Group Practice

Manchester Children’s Services

Manchester Secondary PRU

Manchester South Christians Against Poverty Debt Centre

Out There Supporting Families of Prisoners

Rodney House

School Nursing Team

South Manchester
Credit Union

Southway Housing Trust

St Bernard’s Church

St Bernard’s Primary School

St Joseph’s Primary

St Margaret’s Church

St Nicholas Church

The Birches

 Westcroft Community Centre


Working Well